This high density development in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, led by SPPARC Architecture, will provide 5,800 sq.m of mixed-use of which 35% of the residential will be affordable homes. The project responds to the CLG’s 2007 Building a Greener Future policy where new housing is required to cut carbon emission as part of the strategy to reach the UK’s carbon reduction targets.
Working as part of the Pell Frischmann team, we have set the sustainability brief to achieve 3 Star Code for Sustainable Homes rating, where building emissions are to be at least 25% lower than that required by Part L (2006). We have prioritised the approach by minimising the energy consumption of the building in use, with a highly insulated envelope and low air permeability rate, natural ventilation, low energy lighting, high-rated white goods and landlord areas with automatic controls. Troup Bywaters + Anders, Services Consultants, proposed Combined Heat and Power to operate throughout winter months, when gains from any solar technology are at a minimum. A Solar Thermal installation is proposed for the Quaker Street site and is predicted to achieve reductions in gas consumption of 56,888 kWh per year, representing a reduction in energy of over 10%. Transport studies are considering how to make it car free. The rooftops shall provide a good level of external amenitiy balanced with landscape to support a diverse habitat and renewable technology.