The greatest opportunity to deliver a sustainable solution starts with the very first ideas. A creative approach to embed sustainable principles within our built environment has a positive influence on the environmental, social and economic aspects of our society.
My commitment to sustainable development continues to be influenced by a collaborative approach and experience gained on a broad range of innovative and high quality sustainability lead projects. I provide a specialist service in the built environment to help deliver a client’s ambitions at the strategic stage of a brief, through design and procurement and, after occupation, to apply the knowledge learnt from evaluating a building’s performance once in occupation, in order to influence the briefing process of future projects. Sustainable development will support the next generation’s ability to adapt to the impact of climate change, whilst today’s greatest challenge is how to deliver this using the best knowledge that will drive us to change.
Ann Bodkin Sustainability Consultant + Architect
June 2007 until present
Towards Zero Carbon Housing – Strategic Briefing paper for Housing Quality Network(HQN)
John Madejski Academy Building Evaluation 2008-2009 with Arup for WilkinsonEyre Architects
Defining Carbon Neutral Schools, member of British Council for School Environment (BSCE) expert group
British Council for Offices (BCO). Architectural and Sustainability Advisor for Best Practice Guide 2009
Quaker Street mixed-use development in Tower Hamlets. Sustainability Consultant as part of the Pell Frischmann team
‘Soft Landings’ member of BSRIA post occupancy evaluation steering group
Research submission for The Royal Commission of the Exhibition of 1851. Climate change; The future for building design; Local climate lessons for school design. A proposal with Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios, Professor Mike Davies and Dejan Mumovic of the Bartlett School of Graduate Studies. Including consultation with DCFS, CIBSE School Design Group and BCSE
Schools building evaluation programme. Commission for Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios to carry out building evaluations on their recently completed Academy Schools, in collaboration with Buro Happold
CABE ‘How places work’ analysis of Northampton Academy
Walnut Tree Walk School, Lambeth . Briefing and Design using JoinedUpDesignforSchools programme with The Sorrell Foundation
Ethelred Nursery School and Children’s Centre, Lambeth. Brief and concept design for a new building and landscaping
Bennetts Associates Architects, London 1996 – June 2007
New Street Square, London, EC4 – £198m development for Land Securities, 2003 until June 2007
Associate responsible for the public realm, including public art, and sustainability, delivering targets against the project sustainability charter and achieving an ‘excellent’ rating for the four office buildings under BREEAM 2003 for Offices; Sustainability lessons learnt presentation to Land Securities’ board.
Building Awards 2008: Sustainability Development of the Year
‘The Greenhouse’ Kings Cross Central – £35m development for Argent (King’s Cross) Limited 2005
Sustainability input into the feasibility study to design for ‘The Greenhouse’, the global sustainable development consortium, including Forum for the Future
City Inn Hotel, Westminster. £35m – 2000 – 2001
Project Architect up to Planning Approval for the flagship of the City Inn Group with 460 bedrooms, restaurants, bars and a sky lounge overlooking Parliament, Westminster Abbey and the Thames. RIBA Award 2004
Wessex Water Operations Centre, Bath – £38m development 1998 – 2004
From inception to completion including fit-out project architect. The project achieved the highest ‘excellent’ rating under BREEAM ‘98 for Offices; RIBA Sustainability Award 2001; Three years post occupancy evaluation (POE), including energy monitoring lead by Buro Happold
Cummins Engine Company, Production facility, Kent – £11m, 1996-1998
Design architect for the multi-national company with a distinguished architectural portfolio
Other roles: Associate 2004 -2007 responsible for Bennetts Associates’ sustainability group; Office energy monitoring programme; POE of Bennetts Associates’ offices on the working environment with the BRE; whole office sustainability continual professional development (CPD) day and CPD series 2006; Bennetts Associates’ offices case study as part of the BRE’s ‘Thinking Business Space’ report 2005; Constructing Excellence case study for sustainable construction; Wessex Water case study for CABE’s ‘exemplar’ office projects website; Wessex Water case study for the book ‘The Environmental Brief: Pathways for Green Design’ by Richard Hyde 2007
Seth Stein Architects, London 1994 – 1996
Principal Architect’s own house and studio, Kelso Place, W8 £3m
Project Architect for 3 phase project on the site of a former builder’s yard
Penthouse apartment, Pall Mall, SW1
Design Architect on full conversion creating a contemporary interior within a Grade II listed Lutyens building
1993 RIBA Part 3 Architect
1989 DipArch Architecture, University of Brighton
1985 BA(Hons) Architectural Design, Oxford Brookes University
2007 UK Green Building Council
1993 Architects Registration Board